Monday, February 21, 2011

The Resolution Check In Spot

I’ve been making it a habit to check in on myself when trying to accomplish my year’s resolutions. Today I’ll share my progress as a way to admit to the world where I’m going wrong and right

  1. Go to Italy. imageI’ve sat down, perused my books. I’ve got tentative plans with my Italian chickyfriend for lunch and planning in midMarch. I’m going to be booking by March 31st. Deadline SET!
  2. Maintain my weight healthily. Doing well and even lost 5 lbs. I’m so pleased with how things are going. With my birthday being this month I overindulged and still kept myself within reason. Hanging in there, the days that the scale tells me the “wrong” number are the worst still!
  3. Continue to be grateful for what I have. I am trying to do this. Sometimes the economic law of “I want more!” gets involved.  I am doing MUCH better. I’ve made myself a list of the purchases I intend on making this year and the more I look at that list, the more I want to stick to it!
  4. Value myself. This is the worst one. How do you show yourself you love you?
  5. Get my wisdom teeth pulled. Okay, admittedly, no headway made here. but I’ve tentatively planned it for late in the year given my other goals. So I’m not behind, I’m not on it either!
  6. Write a novel. Stalled here. I think I have a concept. I even have a place to publish and a cover design. Now I’m just tyring to find my angle. I’m starting to write an outline in the hopes this will help this work it out. In other book news, I am putting together my recipes in a book. That’s motivation enough to see the process and take hold of my inner author.
  7. Wear more socks, tights and lingerie. I know. Crazy one here. But I adore buying all three of these but then never make the time to accessorize. So I’m doing this, not as much as I should, but the hot weather prevents some things!
  8. Purge more. I’m definitely making sure that if I’m not using something that I’m finding it a new home if possible!
  9. Go to town more - local foods, bike riding – okay, we’ve done 2 farmers markets this year. and no bike riding. Our schedule is so overwhelming that it’s questionable when we’ll make time for this. That said, it’s still on my list of things to make more time for!
  10. DO what you said you would do when you wished you would do it – I don’t know how to accomplish this other than make a list and tackle. I’m definitely tackling more.
  11. Use environmentally friendly bags, products, etc…total and utter fail. Smack me.
  12. Finish crafts – i’m asking myself more and more, will I use it alot? can I actually accomplish this DIY project? how much will I value it? and this is shortening my list to doable tasks and fun things that make my life richer and happier!
  13. Give more gifts - homemade, think of others – finishing crafts is helping this! I’ve put into place a few little acts of kindness through the year that will mean people are thought of and recognized for that! Lots more love out there!

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