Monday, July 12, 2010

The Vintage War Bride

The Thought

But I always knew, I would live life through, With a song in my heart for you – Doris Day

The 1940s woman – sigh. There is no greater a decade to wear clothes in than this. I’ve missed out completely and if only I could be reversed and reincarnated backward as a 40s woman…minus that whole sexual inequality part. The cinched waists, the side sashes, the bit of sex kitten but still covered. Good morning reality. Add the hat, the feather headband as I did, the bit of pomp and circumstance. That special swagger in your walk…make this look happen.

The Inspiration

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The Gear

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Dress: Rodarte for Target – Now on Ebay: Average Price $29.99

Forever 21: Feathered Satin Headband  $5.80 OR Roped Floral Headband $4.80

Payless Shoes: Kimberly Mary Jane Pump $22.99

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