Wednesday, December 29, 2010


image 2011 is right around the corner. This week I’ve made sure that you’ll be the most prepared for your New Year’s Eve season – all the blogs will feature something for the big day! Last year I had a 102 degree fever and couldn’t enjoy the festivities that I dearly wanted to attend. This year, I’m hoping that everything works out and I’ll be kissed and chiming in the New Year with bliss.

That said, each year I try and get smart about my resolutions. I actually record these in the first page of my scrapbook for the year and then give myself a little review of them on the last page. So when I choose them, I realize that I have something that is going into print, and the more realistic I am about setting them.

So this year, in 2011, I’ve set myself to do the following things.

  1. Go to Italy. This is a lifelong dream. At 31, that’s not “much” as most of my friends have gone somewhere this lovely, but to me, it’s the realization of doing something wholly “my way” and “for myself” – the supreme self indulgence. clip_image002
  2. Maintain my weight healthily. I’ve lost and maintained 80 lbs for the past 3 years. I will continue this commitment towards my health and lifestyle.
  3. Continue to be grateful for what I have. Sometimes I get bogged down in what others are doing, have or are achieving. I will continue to realize that I have my own dreams and my own ways of getting there, I do not have to keep up with the Joneses’.
  4. Value myself. I will continue to strive to not give in and be taken advantage of when I don’t want to be. Bending over backwards for others is nice to do, but is not required to be loved or liked.
  5. Get my wisdom teeth pulled. I’ve needed to for awhile, it’s about time I got “adult” and did it!

There! I’ll check in next year and give a recount of how I did! Here we go troops! Enjoy the parties!

1 comment:

  1. I like this post. It's very much so that I will work on my own list. I haven't blogged on this site; I'm considering using it in a way I cannot use Facebook, or will not anyway. Love your writing, it is so...YOU!
